Saturday, December 1, 2012

Animals make me feel lucky.

So, this is my second post: here are my two-minutes-to-midnight thoughts!

I am feeling very lucky today. I spent yesterday with my whole family (typical Kuwaiti family gathering/camping thingy), spent time today with some of my awesome, hard-working, dedicated animal-loving friends at K's PATH, and as soon as I got home it was quality time with my big boys (Chance and Achilles) then reading time with Tailor.
I can't stop thinking of how lucky I am to have animals in my life. Going out with the dogs to clear my mind and they sure boost up my mood, cuddling with Tailor while reading a good book. How many people get to know that feeling? When you're all warm in bed with a cat purring right next to you? Or out running with a dog next to you in this awesome weather? I can tell you one thing, everyone should at least feel it once in their lifetime.
Having a dog or a cat around makes me feel so peaceful, because I don't have to struggle to make them understand. And no matter what, they're always doing something to make you feel better. That doesn't apply to Tailor when he's on Evil mode though..
Anyways, I just think that people here who don't know how that feels should give it a try once. Visit the shelters, farms or people with pets. Try to connect with them. I promise you, if you try to learn to understand animals, they can be just as great as having a best friend with you all the time that never judges you in any way.

(Pictures of earlier today at K's PATH and my babies)


  1. aww so true! I love our animals too. Life would be SO EMPTY without them.

    I love that crazy cat at the bottom lol.

    1. it would! I don't know how I'm gonna survive a year without them! lol
      Narine that kitten is so adorable! she fell asleep in my lap purring!

  2. You made me think about bringing a cat home ><

  3. Replies
    1. if you're up for it I'll be glad to help! :D


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