Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Starting a movement!

For those of you who are not following me on Instagram, I want to tell you about my StartAMovement hashtag.

This #StartAMovement is put on everything that is part of the movement I hope to start, which is Animal Care Awareness. I was inspired by one of the people I follow (@ozyzz). By this movement, I hope to get more people interested in learning about animal care and cruelty. In addition, some may even post information regarding pet care and certain breeds etc.

So if you love animals or pets and want to make Kuwait a better place for them, start posting the RIGHT information (seriously, make sure you do not post things that are not proven and are not true. So no rumors and ancient beliefs.) and tagging them with #StartAMovement. This way you can spread information and encourage others to learn and ask about animals.

Some of the accounts I really enjoy following on Instagram are:


This man Fahad Al-Roumi posts a LOT of basic information about different kinds of animals in both English and Arabic. Very interesting new info about weird animals and fish as well! He deserves an applause for the work he does.


Manal, who is a good friend of mine posts about different dog breeds, their requirements and some info all in Arabic. If you love dogs and you'd like to know more about them then you should check her profile out.


This account is also about dog breeds. Very good information (mostly in Arabic) about certain things like the size of the litter and certain diseases. It mentions the basic things you need to consider before adopting (or buying) a certain dog breed.


This account is owned by a Chinchilla cat breeder. I usually wouldn't support breeders but the account is full of information that is helpful for cat owners. It's clear that the breeder is a responsible one, so I guess it's okay. A question-and-answer type of pictures in both English and Arabic which is fantastic. Plus pictures of cute Chinchilla cats!

If you have any suggestions please leave them in the comment section below or send me a message using my Contact Me page!


  1. Thanks for these posts and links. I had a vet in Frankfort recommend this, so thanks!

  2. What a nice blog!! You sure seem to know what you are doing as a business. I've been looking for a vet in Frankfort and looking is harder than it seems.


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